
Download the Endo·Decoded Sample Report.

Take a peek inside the most comprehensive endocompatibility DNA report available. 

Download the sample report now.

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The power to make smart decisions about your cannabis and CBD products.

Your personalized Endo·Decoded DNA variance report provides actionable information you can use right away.

Endo·Decoded DNA variance report identifies your unique endocannabinoid genotype.

Precision matching of cannabinoid and THC ratios and terpene profiles for your health goals.

Map potential risks or possible drug-to-drug interactions.

Alert you to possible risks and potential benefits of using cannabinoid for your specific genotype.

Suggest possible Endo·Aligned formulations for your specific genotype.

Match Endo·Aligned formulation ratios and profiles with products available in your area.

Endo·Decoded can help you make sense of using CBD and cannabinoids for wellness.

Stress/Anxiousness and Cannabinoids

Pain and Cannabinoids

Sleep and Cannabinoids

THC and Metabolism

Opioid Dependence and Cannabinoids

Cannabinoids and Cognitive Function

Cannabinoids and Feelings of Depression

THC and Suspetibility To Psychosis

What’s inside will surprise you.

  • Step-by-step details of the Endo·Decoded DNA variance report.
  • View the 57 Trait Reports in 12 different categories.
  • See a customized Wellness Plan.
  • Discover how Endo·Aligned formulations suggestion work for you.
  • Get a behind the scenes view of the Endo·Aligned Product Marketplace.


Information you need to know.

Endocanna Health, Inc. does not provide medical services. Endocanna Health’s reports are not to be considered or construed to be medical advice. The information contained in Endocanna Health’s reports is not intended to be substituted for the advice or consultation of a medical professional. Endocanna Health’s reports include cannabinoid compound suggestions based on your DNA and do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis, or consultation. Endocanna Health does not take responsibility for any side effects or medical issues that may arise from your use or consumption of the suggested cannabinoid compounds. Endocanna Health recommends consulting with a medical professional before use of any suggested cannabinoid compounds. Use of Endocanna Health’s DNA kit or information from Endocanna Health’s reports is not to be considered a medical treatment or a substitute for any treatment from a licensed health care provider. Endocanna Health makes no guarantees regarding your personal health, implied or otherwise, based on the results provided by Endocanna Health’s report.