
Meet some Endo·dna

true believers!

Could you be genetically predisposed to an adverse event from cannabis?

Take the quiz to discover if an endocannabinoid DNA test is right for you.

Endo·dna skeptic to endocompatibility true believer.

Brandon Allen

Chef and Director of Research and Development, Trichome Institute

Watch Brandon discover his Endo·Decoded Report here

“And I’m going to be honest with you: When I first met you at some convention way back and I heard about this, I thought it was bullshit. I honestly did. I was like you’re telling me that he’s going to test a couple of things and be able to tell me what this and that to consume? 


“I just thought there wasn’t enough research. I didn’t think there was enough data to really dive into this. To have this type of roadmap. And fortunately a lot of my views and how I perceive things have changed –  I’m a lot more welcoming now. And the proof is in the pudding here. And even had I seen this before I had this negative experience [with cannabis] I’m glad that I did in a way because now I know that you just mapped out my cannabis experience and it could have been prevented. 


So for anyone who’s listening and gets this report – you’ll see things that you don’t think apply to you, but wake up! Because you might be up for a rude awakening the won’t be by choice.”

Cannabis tech writer finds inspiration in Endo·dna report.

Kristina Etter

Editorial Content Director and owner, CannabisTech, Freelance Cannabis Content Writer

“Outside my role as a journalist in the Cannabis industry, I am also a cannabis patient. And my Endo DNA test results were spot-on with what I have learned through experience. In fact, the only regret that I have is that I didn’t take the test sooner.


“The data and robust research that they provide absolutely blew my mind. Believe me. If you’re thinking about getting your DNA results from Indo DNA don’t delay you will be absolutely astonished at what you can learn with your personalized guidebook to the endocannabinoid system.”

Cannabinoid athlete advocate selects Endo·dna as the best technology to optimize cannabinoid treatments.

Eben Britton

Former American football offensive tackle and Athlete Ambassador for Athletes For Care. 

“Not only was the information super interesting and valuable as far as how my personal DNA and genetics interact with THC and CBD, and how to optimize my experience cannabis, but it gave me great insight into the terpene profiles that best fit my genetic makeup.”

Blown away by Endo·dna technology and accuracy from exprience!

Chelsea Leland

International DJ, cannabis advocate, and model.

“I was really blown away by yesterday’s session it kinda blew my mind as it was not only fascinating but so accurate.


“As a long term epilepsy sufferer who explored cannabis through trial and error, working with EndoDNA was not only a fascinating process, but an incredibly helpful one… to better understand my constitution and what works well for me as a result.”

Ex-NFLer gets real insight into how cannabinoids uniquely affect his health and wellbeing.

Robert Griffith

Former American football safety and CBD user:

“They do an exceptional job… breaking down my cannabinoid profile to where it really tells me how I consume or internalized CBD in cannabis. A lot of insight into who I am and how I can treat my body holistically.”

Cancer Survivor trusts cannabis again after viewing her Endo·dna report.

Pauline Koinis

Somatic Healer, Cancer Survivor, and cannabis advocate.

“After one inhalation I found myself literally convulsing on my kitchen floor for over 10 minutes. Needless to say I was scared to death to try it again. That was when I researched and found my friends at Endocanna Health.”

“I am blown away at the accuracy and cutting-edge science that has gone into their testing.”

We've been featured in some pretty great places!

Take a peek!

Download a sample of the Endo·Decoded DNA variance report and explore the possibilities it holds for you.

  • Step-by-step details of the Endo·Decoded DNA variance report.
  • 57 Trait reports in 12 different categories.
  • See a customized Wellness Plan.
  • Discover how Endo·Aligned formulations suggestion work for you.
  • Get a behind the scenes view of the Endo·Aligned Product Marketplace.

Your Endo·Decoded™ report translates your DNA to help you optimize your cannabinoid experience.

Stress/Anxiousness and Cannabinoids

Pain and Cannabinoids

Sleep and Cannabinoids

THC and Metabolism

Opioid Dependance and Cannabinoids

Cannabinoids and Cognitive Function

Cannabinoids and Feelings of Depression

THC and Suspetibility To Psychosis

Endo·dna gives you the power to make smarter decisions and the right tools to reach your wellness goals.

Information you need to know.

Endocanna Health, Inc. does not provide medical services. Endocanna Health’s reports are not to be considered or construed to be medical advice. The information contained in Endocanna Health’s reports is not intended to be substituted for the advice or consultation of a medical professional. Endocanna Health’s reports include cannabinoid compound suggestions based on your DNA and do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis, or consultation. Endocanna Health does not take responsibility for any side effects or medical issues that may arise from your use or consumption of the suggested cannabinoid compounds. Endocanna Health recommends consulting with a medical professional before use of any suggested cannabinoid compounds. Use of Endocanna Health’s DNA kit or information from Endocanna Health’s reports is not to be considered a medical treatment or a substitute for any treatment from a licensed health care provider. Endocanna Health makes no guarantees regarding your personal health, implied or otherwise, based on the results provided by Endocanna Health’s report.