Even mild anxiety can wear you out over time. Learn the genetic factors behind anxiety, and discover the cannabinoids and terpenes that might help.

It’s natural to feel afraid, overwhelmed, or fatigued from time to time. If fearfulness has become your default outlook, however, you might suffer from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) or another form of anxiety condition.

Prescription anxiety treatments have considerable side effects, and homing in on the right natural anxiety treatment can be a struggle. What if it was possible, however, to find an effective solution to anxiety by studying your genetic code?

Right now, you can order your very own EndoAligned Response tincture. Stop guessing and start addressing your anxiety at the genetic level.   

What is the main cause of anxiety?

Life consistently presents us with stressful stimuli. With the right environment and genetics, it’s possible to transform stress into strength.

Many of us, however, go without the emotional support we need to thrive, and our parents may have passed on their predispositions toward anxiety. This combination of adverse environmental and genetic factors can give rise to anxiety disorders.

Examples of factors that can trigger anxiety include:

  • Heart conditions
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Drug abuse or withdrawal
  • Chronic pain
  • Trauma
  • Workplace stress
  • Financial stress
  • Losing a loved one

Is fatigue related to anxiety?

Anxiety and fatigue are intimately related. When you experience an anxiety attack, your body is flooded with hormones that make you feel alert.

As soon as your anxious symptoms abate, you experience a crash. Over time, experiencing anxiety frequently can deplete your body of the hormones it needs to maintain a steady state of alertness throughout the day.

If you resolve your anxiety with genetically targeted natural treatments, your energy levels will naturally rise. Your overall health and well-being will also increase.

Does anxiety run in the family?

It’s possible to develop an anxiety disorder even if nobody in your family has a history of anxiety. Your genetics play a significant role, however, in the likelihood that you’ll suffer from an anxiety disorder at some point in life.

How much of anxiety is genetic?

Research indicates that at least 26% of your likelihood of developing an anxiety disorder is genetic. In reality, it’s likely that the role genetics play in the development of anxiety disorders is much more significant.

Many of the medical conditions that can lead to anxiety are also heritable, for instance. In addition, your family is also usually responsible for your upbringing. Childhood trauma can be a catalyst for anxiety disorders later in life.

Can genetic anxiety be cured?

Anxiety’s considerable basis in genetics can be this condition’s undoing. By using natural substances that target the specific segments of your genetic code that trigger anxiety, you can stop anxious reactions at their source.

Which genes are involved in anxiety?

Research has determined that the FAAH and CNR1 genes are critically involved in the pathogenesis of anxiety disorders. Substances that target these genes may be especially helpful in treating the symptoms of anxiety.

How can I stop my anxiety?

Anxiety is a condition that often flares up unexpectedly, making treatments for the immediate symptoms of anxiety desirable. It’s also important, however, to treat the underlying factors that make you predisposed to anxiety in the first place.

Treating the symptoms of anxiety

When you’re in the grip of an anxiety attack, there are a few techniques can you can use to calm down:

  • Slowly count to 10 out loud or in your head
  • Inhale slowly and deeply, and exhale just as slowly and completely
  • Distance yourself from stressful situations

Treating anxiety at its source

Prevent anxiety attacks from occurring by:

  • Getting enough sleep every night
  • Avoiding alcohol and caffeine
  • Exercising daily
  • Optimizing your nutritional intake
  • Ingesting substances that target the segments of your genome that cause anxiety

What helps anxiety naturally?

A variety of essential oils, supplements, and other natural substances can help with anxiety. Without understanding how each natural substance interacts with the genes involved in anxiety, however, finding effective natural anxiety treatments can be challenging.

The only way to find out which natural anxiety treatments are best-suited for your unique genome is to:

  • Test for anxiety-related SNPs (“snips”) within your genetic code
  • Use natural treatments that target these specific SNPs

Which cannabinoids help with anxiety?

Scientific research has identified a handful of cannabinoids that might be useful in treating anxiety. According to our own research, the cannabinoids CBD, CBDV, CBN, and CBG interact with the genes involved in anxiety.

Does CBD help with anxiety?

CBD interacts with the 5-HT1A receptor, which is the primary neuroreceptor involved in the progression and mitigation of anxiety disorders. Clinical research has been conducted to determine if CBD is useful in the prevention of anxiety symptoms.

Does CBN help with anxiety?

CBN has been researched for its potential sedative properties. Since anxiety involves the excitation of the nervous system, CBN deserves further research as an anti-anxiety treatment. 

Does CBG help with anxiety?

CBG has been researched for its potential ability to increase GABA production. As the nervous system’s “brake pedal,” GABA helps prevent increased heart rate, shallow breathing, and other symptoms of anxiety attacks.

Which terpenes help with anxiety?

Terpenes are found in cannabis and a variety of other plants. Scientific research has identified a wide range of terpenes that might help with anxiety, and our own inquiries indicate that linalool, beta-caryophyllene, and pinene target anxiety-related genes.

Does linalool help with anxiety?

Linalool, the primary terpene in lavender, appears to reduce symptoms of anxiety by stimulating GABA production. This terpene also appears to interact with your 5-HT1A receptors, which are just as critically involved in anxiety.

Does beta-caryophyllene help with anxiety?

Beta-caryophyllene acts like a cannabinoid by stimulating your CB2 receptors. Research indicates that stimulating these cannabinoid receptors might help with anxiety.

Does pinene help with anxiety?

Indirect evidence suggests that pinene might be useful for anxiety. Our own research indicates that this terpene interacts with the gene SNPs involved with anxiety symptoms.

Which terpenes are bad for anxiety?

Limited research indicates that the terpenes citronellol and terpinolene may worsen symptoms of anxiety. That’s why it’s so important to only use cannabis products that are aligned with your specific symptoms and genetic code.

Which essential oils help with anxiety?

Geranium, mint, guava, and lavender essential oils appear to be the most useful in treating anxiety.

Does geranium essential oil help with anxiety?

Research indicates that geranium essential oil might have both muscle-relaxing and anxiolytic properties.

Does mint essential oil help with anxiety?

Studies show that mint essential oil may attenuate anxiety associated with medical treatments.

Does guava essential oil help with anxiety?

Guava essential oil is believed to relieve both stress and anxiety.

Does lavender essential oil help with anxiety?

Home to linalool and dozens of other beneficial compounds, lavender essential oil is renowned for its anxiolytic properties.

Find peace and energy within your genetic code

The solution to anxiety is in your genes. You can overcome anxiety for good by properly understanding the genetic factors that cause anxiety and using natural substances that target anxiety-related segments of your genome. Here are the steps you’ll need to take:

  • Use the EndoDNA Kit or another qualifying kit to collect your DNA
  • Upload your DNA using the secure mydna.live portal
  • Receive a personalized EndoDecoded Report that details the genetic basis of your anxiety symptoms and suggests customized products that address your specific genetic tendencies

You can receive your very own EndoAligned Response tincture right now on Amazon. Stop guessing, and start addressing anxiety at the genetic level. Because—Everything Is Personal!

Endocanna Health is a biotechnology company committed to helping consumers find the right cannabinoid products to enhance their health and wellness. Using our breakthrough DNA test, Endo·dna, we empower you to take control of your health with access to over 55 different health reports that include suggestions for the best CBD and cannabis products that match your unique genetic code. Visit us here to find out more!